17 October 2010

and so it begins: the day zero project

The Challenge
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).


16 October 2010


13 July 2010

For the house
1.       Finish the kitchen remodel
2.       Have a guest bedroom that I'm not embarrassed to let someone use
3.       Remodel the living and dining room.
4.       Improve curb appeal
5.       Fence in the back and side yard
6.       Go through all of the boxes in storage rooms 1,2, & 3 and find a home for everything
7.       Clean off the back patio
8.       Finish Matt's Christmas stocking by this Christmas
9.       Start and finish my Christmas stocking by next Christmas
10.   Host a party at our house
11.   Decorate our walls
12.   Decorate for Christmas
13.   Do at least one house project a week (0/143)
14.   Flowers once a month (0/32)
15.   Buy an original piece of art
16.   Build a piece of furniture
17.   Organize all of the closets in our house (0/9)
For food and drink
18.   Grow a vegetable garden every year (0/3)
19.   Make dinner 18 days a month (0/32)
20.   Make dinner every day for a month
21.   Try a new restaurant at least once a quarter  (0/11)
22.   Organize my recipes
23.   Buy a 1/4 of a grass fed cow
24.   Start a wine and beer journal
25.   Try one new recipe a month (0/32)
26.   Make a real breakfast at least once a month (0/32)
27.   Plan meals for the week and shop for them on the weekend for a month
28.   Find a local farmers market and shop there once a month (0/32)
29.   Start seeds  from scratch for the garden
30.   Cook a Thanksgiving dinner
31.   Go to 5 breweries (0/5)
32.   Go to 5 wineries  (0/5)
33.   Take a cooking class
34.   Eat clean for a month
For us
35.   Go on at least one date with the hubby a month (0/32)
36.   Go on one big vacation a year (0/3)
37.   Go to a museum at least twice a year  (0/6)
38.   Become a member at a museum
39.   Go on a weekend  getaway once  every 6 months (0/5)
40.   Have professional family photos taken once a year (0/3)
41.   Go camping
42.   Go to the Smithsonian again
43.   Go to 5 festivals (0/5)
For me
44.   Start a blog
45.   Learn to shoot a handgun
46.   Get my CHL
47.   Take at least a picture a day for a month
48.   Post to the blog at least three times a week
49.   Make myself knowledgeable on the issues and vote in every election
50.   Learn to accept the compliments of others
51.   Get my passport updated with my married name
52.   Buy a DSLR camera
53.   Be on time to work every day for a month
54.   Walk 100 miles in a month
55.   See a movie alone
56.   Get a massage and get one for my mom
57.   Put away $5 for each completed task and buy something just for me at the end of the 1001 days
58.   Learn to drive a stick shift
For business
59.   Start or partner in an interior design business
For my mind
60.   Read 101 books (0/101)
61.   Watch all of the movies on AFI's top 100 list (0/100)
62.   Go to 5 art gallery openings (0/5)
63.   Read Atlas Shrugged
For my soul
64.   Go to church at least three times a month (0/32)
65.   Get involved with a group or committee at church
66.   Pray
For inspiration
67.   Read the magazines I subscribe to the month I get them (0/32)
68.   Start and maintain an inspiration file
For looks
69.   Lose 10 lbs. before getting pregnant
70.   Wear my hair down for a week  (0/7)
71.   Find a skin care routine that works for me
For the dog
72.   Take Indy on a walk 4 times a week for 3 months (0/3)
73.   Teach Indy some manners
74.   Get Indy a puppy brother or sister
For a baby
75.   Have a baby
76.   Design a nursery
77.   Deliver a baby with no pain meds
78.   Finish the baby's stocking by their first Christmas
79.   Cloth diaper
For finances
80.   Pay off my car
81.   Buy Matt a new truck
82.   Pay off my credit cards
83.   Save at least 10% of what we take home
84.   Buy life insurance for the hubby and I
85.   Make a will
For cleanliness
86.   Do the dishes after dinner every day for a month (0/31)
87.   Hang up my clothes when the dryer finishes for three months
88.   Vacuum the entire house at least every two weeks (0/71)
89.   Clean the bathrooms at least every two weeks (0/71)
For others
90.   Write down my friends’ and families’ birthdays
91.   Send birthday cards to family and friends
92.   Make handmade cards for friends and family at least 10 times a year (0/30)
93.   Compliment someone once a week
94.   Write thank you notes for all gifts I receive
95.   Write at least 10 thank you notes to people because they done something nice for me (0/10)
96.   Write a 5 companies to let them know I enjoy their product or service (0/5)
97.   Buy flower for someone
98.   Perform 5 random acts of kindness (0/5)
99.   Try to donate blood again
100.   Take my parents out to dinner
101.   Take Matt's parents out to dinner

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